Event Details
Recent Labor Law Developments & Employee Benefits Changes
Date: | August 17, 2023, 9:00am |
Location: | Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82432970528?pwd=S252eDEzTzJsd3VGUTNtb0NxT1QyUT09 Meeting ID: 824 3297 0528 | Passcode: 728262 |
Price: | Free to SSCHRA members |
Event Type: | Webinar |
iCal link | Add to Calendar |
Recent Labor Law Developments & Employee Benefits Changes
Violet Clark & Marron Mahoney
Laner Muchin, Ltd.
Learning objectives:
New Chicago Labor Peace Ordinance
New Illinois Paid Leave for All Workers Act
National Labor Relations Board developments impacting all employers
Violet Clark serves as a trusted advisor and dependable legal counsel to employers throughout the country. Since joining Laner Muchin in 1988, she has helped countless companies achieve growth while carefully managing risk within their workforces. Violet counsels employers, boards of directors and special committees on their most important human resources initiatives including matters involving workplace culture, diversity, equity and inclusion and a wide range of employment-related issues concerning employees at all levels of the organization.
With years of experience collaborating with CEOs in boardroom conversations and designing strategies to effectively meet human resource management goals, Violet understands the complete picture regarding the economics of her clients’ businesses. Her knowledge of labor and employment liability matters and collective bargaining units in combination with her commitment to understanding businesses on a personal level allows her to efficiently guide company leadership on their internal policies and governance.
When workplace issues are unavoidable, Violet crafts strategies for resolution and negotiates with key stakeholders and employees to secure favorable solutions that minimize costly litigation. For both profit and non-profit organizations of all sizes, she provides valued insight on employee retention, turnover reduction, diversity and inclusion efforts and workplace culture revitalization.
Marron Mahoney joined Laner Muchin as Of Counsel in 2022. She concentrates her practice on representing public and private sector employers in numerous areas of labor and employment law, including collective bargaining negotiations, grievances, investigations and employment counseling.
Prior to joining Laner Muchin, Marron was the Chief Legal Counsel for the Will County Executive's Office and the General Counsel and Chief of Staff for the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice, where she gained experience in collective bargaining negotiations, grievance resolutions and employment counseling. She has also practiced at Am Law 50 law firms and has argued in the Illinois Appellate Court and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.
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